ICYMI: Jason Demarco Spearheads Anime & Action Series Production at Warner Bros. Animation and...
In a press release from Warner Media, they announced yesterday that Toonami co-creator Jason DeMarco has been given a new role at Warner Media. He will now lead both...
Breaking News: The Promised Neverland Second Season to Join Toonami April 10
This week, Toonami announced on their Facebook page that they highly anticipated second season of The Promised Neverland will return to the lineup on April 10, at 1:30 a.m....
Thank You, Kentaro Miura
When anyone thinks of modern gothic horror and fantasy, you inevitably encounter ideas shaped and influenced by Kentaro Miura--creator of Berserk. From fantastical creatures with strangely undulating shapes and...
Can You Stand the Heat? A Retrospective on Fire Force Seasons One and Two
Fire Force came blazing onto the Toonami scene on July 27, 2019. Created by the writer of the well-known series Soul Eater, Atsushi ÅŒkubo, there was plenty of excitement...
Developing News: A New Episode of Attack on Titan’s Final Season to Air Winter...
Rejoice Attack on Titan fans! Today’s episode of the final season that aired in Japan is not the last! In what was believed to be the final episode of...
Attack on Titan Final Season: Part One Retrospective
With previous seasons setting the bar in the stratosphere, the final season of Attack on Titan premiered on Toonami a month after its debut in Japan. But, it was...
Defining An Era By Never Giving Up: A Thank You To Black Clover
Editor-in-Chief CJ Maffris writes a special send-off for Black Clover as it is about to end its 170 episode run on Toonami, calling it one of the defining acquisitions in the Adult Swim era.