Toonami Trending Rundown for February 15-16, 2014

“It’s okay now . It’s over. I fought the final boss just now, and the last battle’s over. It’s all over.” -          Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya, Sword Art Online (Episode 25) The...

Opinion: The Top of Toonami’s Lineup

The announcement that Samurai Jack will premiere on March 11 is great news. Fans have been patiently waiting for the final season of Jack and are curious to see how the...

Shounen Sunday Variety

When shounen magazines and manga are mentioned, what comes to mind? You’d likely think of the juggernaut published by Shueisha, Weekly Shonen Jump (WSJ). (Though there is an actual...

Ratings Round Table for June 8th 2013

This was Toonami's best week since its return and there is lots to celebrate about. We already talked about it during the podcast last week but here is one...

Opinion: I Have Room in My Heart for Every Ninja Turtles Cartoon

With all this talk about “ruining childhoods” by rebooting and retooling 1980s properties I have had my fair share of knee-jerk reactions. Reviving popular 80s action properties is nothing...

What One Piece Means to Me: A 1000 Chapter Retrospective

One Piece may not be the first manga ever to reach 1,000 chapters, but it is the first  to do while being widely distributed worldwide in different languages. I’d...

Guest Article: How To Start Your Own Anime Podcast!

At Toonami Faithful, many of our readers and fans of ours have asked how we started a podcast or tackle a major project like that. It can be a...