Opinion: I Have Room in My Heart for Every Ninja Turtles Cartoon

With all this talk about “ruining childhoods” by rebooting and retooling 1980s properties I have had my fair share of knee-jerk reactions. Reviving popular 80s action properties is nothing...

Editorial: Sketch’s 2016 Toonami Show Wish-List

Last year I came up with a list of ten shows that I wanted to see air on Toonami in 2015. Two of those series actually did air. I’m...

How Lupin Stole My Heart

(TMS Entertainment) It might be weird to talk about honesty in a Lupin The 3rd article, but I have to come clean about something: I know next to nothing about...

Opinion: Did Toonami Air Attack on Titan Too Soon?

As far as headlines go, that one must grab your attention. How crazy does this sentence sound? Did Toonami jump the gun on Attack on Titan Season Two? I'm...

What Fans Say About Toonami Now

For the past few weeks, it seems as if Toonami has hit a lull with fans. Sure there's plenty to get excited about, with the new shows airing and...

Why I’m Glad Assassination Classroom Will Air on Toonami

(via Studio Lerche) The latest acquisition from Toonami could be the start of something extraordinary for fans. Besides bringing a new series to the lineup, Adult Swim pulls out a...

Never Knows Best: How I feel about FLCL Coming Back

It was a huge surprise when Toonami co-creator Jason DeMarco announced that they would be co-producing new FLCL episodes. Two seasons spanning 12 episodes will be made, continuing the story that...