“The bond between Nezuko and I cannot be severed. Not by anyone!”
– Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer (Ep. 19)
This week’s Toonami Trending Rundown is a double-feature for the nights of Feb. 29, and March 1, 2020. Among some of the highlights from the past two weeks, My Hero Academia showed the aftermath of Shie Hassaikai arc, as the League of Villians attacks Overhaul for killing Magne by taking his arms away when being escorted to a high-security prison. Meanwhile, Sir Nighteye passed away from his injuries sustained during the raid against the Shie Hassaikai. Fortunately, he managed to say goodbye and make amends with All Might, Deku, and Mirio. And despite being rendered quirkless for the foreseeable future, Mirio promises to Deku that he will press on to inspire Eri and to continue on Sir Nighteye’s legacy. Demon Slayer showcased Tanjiro and Nezuko’s highly acclaimed battle against Rui. Envious of Tanjiro and Nezuko’s relationship, Rui decides to take Nezuko for himself, feeling that it was his siblings’ fault, rather than his own actions, that soured his relationship with his family. But despite his sword breaking during the fight, Tanjiro was not going give up his sister as he unleashed the Hinokami Kagura Dance, a Breath Style passed on by the generations of the Kamado family alongside the hanafuda earrings, to slay Rui. Nezuko spoke words for the first time since being demonized as she broke free from Rui’s spells and assisted Tanjiro in taking down the demon. And in Black Clover, Noelle returns to her home as the Elves invade the house of the Silva family. Despite enduring the abuse from her family, Noelle couldn’t let her siblings fall victim to Letoile’s compass magic. Noelle’s desperation would unlock a new spell for her, the Valkyrie Armor, as her determination combined with Nozelle wanting to mend wounds with her sister managing to turn the tide in their favor.
For the night of Feb. 29, Toonami would trend in the United States on Twitter alongside every show except for My Hero Academia and Black Clover. On Tumblr, Toonami would trend alongside #BNHA and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. And for the night of March 7, Toonami would trend in the U.S. on Twitter alongside every show except for My Hero Academia and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. My Hero Academia, however, did trend on Tumblr alongside Toonami. The full list, including statistics and tweet counts from the Twitter app and Amr Rahmy’s Fan Screening analytics app, can be seen below.
This week’s feature was a video game review of the newest Dragon Ball game, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. It received a score of 8.0 out of 10.
My Hero Academia has been going beyond Plus Ultra at the theaters these past two weeks, as according to Box Office Mojo, Heroes Rising has accumulated $13,270,000 in ticket sales as of March 11. This goes alongside the $15,116,740 in international sales for a total of $28,386,740 worldwide.
アメリカ/カナダで公開中の『僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ヒーローズ:ライジング』の北米興行収入が、昨日3/10(火)時点で1300万ドルを突破!
— 『僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE』公式 (@heroaca_movie) March 11, 2020
North American box office revenue tops $13 million! Thank you for watching "MY HEROACADEMIA HEROES RISING"!!#ヒロアカ #heroaca_a pic.twitter.com/38xuyiMVmE
Not much else to say other than we hope you stay safe and we’ll see you again on Saturday for another round of the better cartoon show.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
Feb. 29 – Mar. 1, 2020 Trends
United States Trends:
- #Toonami [#9]
- #SwordArtOnline [#25]
- #DemonSlayer [Trended with #Toonami and #FoodWars]
- #FoodWars [#18]
- #JoJosBizarreAdventure [Trended with #Toonami]
- #Shippuden [Trended with #Toonami]
Tweet Counts:
- #Toonami [5,948 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [1,644 tweets]
Fan Screening Counts:
- #MyHeroAcademia [#4 with 3,507 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [#13 with 1,342 tweets]
- #DemonSlayer [#8 with 1,986 tweets]
- #KimetsuNoYaiba [#18 with 1,152 tweets]
- #FoodWars [#12 with 1,459 tweets]
- #BlackClover [#24 with 908 tweets]
- #JoJosBizarreAdventure [#17 with 1,159 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
- #Toonami
- #JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mar. 7-8, 2020 Trends
United States Trends:
- #Toonami [#10]
- #SwordArtOnline [#21]
- #DemonSlayer [#3]
- #FoodWars [#25]
- #BlackClover [#24]
- #Shippuden [#27]
Tweet Counts:
- #Toonami [5,769 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [2,973 tweets]
- #DemonSlayer [5,592 tweets]
- #FoodWars [1,878 tweets]
- #BlackClover [2,711 tweets]
Fan Screening Counts:
- #MyHeroAcademia [#9 with 2,411 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [#11 with 1,495 tweets]
- #DemonSlayer [#5 with 3,510 tweets]
- #FoodWars [#14 with 1,368 tweets]
- #BlackClover [#12 with 1,495 tweets]
- #JoJosBizarreAdventure [#13 with 1,509 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
- #Toonami
- #My Hero Academia
Notes and Other Statistics:
- #Toonami: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @BrittanyLaudaVO is responsible for trending the hashtag in the United States.
- #SwordArtOnline: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @BrycePapenbrook and @KariWahlgren responsible for trending the hashtag in the United States.
Special thanks to @sdurso5 and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
DBZ 4 Life. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.