Summer Wars Promo
Next in the month of movies on Toonami is Summer Wars, and the Toonami staff don't disappoint with this new promo for it. Watch...
@XBox Takes Over Toonami
Tonight, XBox took over Toonami with several new promos for some of the shows. We will be updating the promos here as we get...
Clydes have returned!
That's right folks. The Clydes have returned ...well in at least one promo that is. Toonami debuted them tonight as part of the Xbox...
#OldSchoolFriday From @EnterThought: 15th Anniversary of Power Puff Girls
In celebration of The Powerpuff Girls celebrating their 15th Anniversary, @EnterThought has submitted two promos from the past for Power Puff Girls on Toonami....
Toonami November Lineup Promo(Including FLCL and GITS)
Evangelion 2.22 You Can Not Advance Toonami Promo
Evangelion 2.22 premieres on American Television next Saturday night to start off Toonami and the Toonami staff made a bad ass promo to hype...