Parasyte Marathon Next Saturday
Next weekend, Toonami is serving up another marathon and its for Parasyte starting from episode 1. If you have missed it, here's your chance...
Ghost Planet Time Capsule
In celebration of Toonami's 20th anniversary, the folks at Williams Street dove into their vaults to uncover some old interstitials. They used these for...
Intruder 2 Comic Now Available
As was promised in the promo that aired a week ago, the Intruder 2 comic can now be viewed at You have the option...
Oblivion Promo
Check out this movie promo that aired during Bleach tonight! There's actually five parts to this promo that aired throughout the night. Watch them...
Toonami Q&A
In case you weren't home last night, here is the Toonami Q&A from last night. This includes the announcement of Gurren Lagann starting August...
More Moltar Era Toonami Videos
Toonami has continued to post Moltar Era Toonami videos throughout these last few weeks and we wanted to update you with every one that...
DBZ-Athon Promo
By now you probably have seen this promo, but if you haven't here it is once again for the DBZ-Athon this weekend. Let us...