Blu-Ray Review: Aquaman

Loaded with action and packed to the gills with special features on the Blu-Ray, James Wan’s Aquaman did not disappoint. It’s the comic book film the DCEU deserves…and needs. I...

Toonami Faithful Review: One Piece Film Z

We told you it was coming and there's no better time to put this review out then when the Month of Movies is going on. Should the movie One...

Anime Review: Your Name

This isn’t a Hayao Miyazaki film, but it sure feels like one. After figuring out the menu controls for the Blu-Ray, I ended up watching the English dub. Like Godzilla:...

Movie Review: My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising

WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR SEASONS 1-4 OF THE MAIN MY HERO ACADEMIA SERIES. As much as I enjoy My Hero Academia (MHA), I don't always like looking at...

Movie Review: Sword Art Online The Movie -Progressive- Scherzo of Deep Night

Asuna and Kirito are back on the big screen in the second installment of the Progressive film series. Aria of a Starless Night proved to be a solid reimagining of the saga’s beginning...

Toonami Faithful Review – Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F

Surprise! That’s right folks. FUNimation let us review the movie Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F. How does this movie stack up against Battle of Gods? Is it even worth...

Movie Review: Deadpool 2

It’s finally here. After allegedly-awful test-screenings, over two years in the making, Deadpool II: The Golden Army (which, in all honesty, I would’ve loved to see them keep as...