
#OldSchoolFriday From Jason DeMarco (@Clarknova1) – Gundam Wing Toonami Trailer

No, that's not a typo. This week's #OldSchoolFriday promo is from the CO-Creator and the current man in charge of Toonami: Jason DeMarco. I...

Ladies of Toonami Promo

Shown tonight on Toonami was this little promo called Ladies of Toonami. Let us know what you think of this promo and comment below.

Space Dandy/Naruto Shippuden Promo

Here is the new promo from tonight. Thank Caboose Jr for this since Toonami didn't post it.

#Trigun Badlands Rumble Promo

So in case you guys missed it, here is the promo for this month's last movie Trigun: Badlands Rumble. Enjoy.

PROMO: Space Dandy Trailer 2

While it airs tonight during Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror Of Shamballa, you can check out the new promo for Space Dandy(this time with dubbed...

#OldSchoolFriday – Past Promos and Intros of #SamuraiJack on Toonami

As you all know by now, announced this week on our podcast is Samurai Jack and we thought we would bring you new Toonami...

The Absolution Jumps Into Hyperspace as the Toonami T-Shirt Contest Begins

The Toonami guys said we would get new animation for the month of movies, and man did they not disappoint. As the title says...