
#OldSchoolFriday – Look Back at April Fools Toonami 4/1/12

In celebration of April Fools Day (which is Tuesday by the way), we had to bring you the one thing that made all of...

#BlackLagoon Promo

Missed the Black Lagoon promo? No worries. We got you covered. Here is the promo for Black Lagoon starting next week at 2 AM....

#OldSchoolFriday From @prof_memes – Tenchi Muyo Long Promo

This week's Old School Friday promo comes from @prof_memes in which he chose the Tenchi Muyo long promo. Here is why he chose this...

#OldSchoolFriday From @FrankFullmetal – Samurai 7 Finale Promo

This week's #OldSchoolFriday promo is once again from @FrankFullmetal on Twitter. It's the Samurai 7 Finale promo. Here's what he had to say about...

#BlueExorcist Toonami Promo

Here is the new promo for Blue Exorcist, debuting on Toonami next week at 1:30 AM. Are ready for this show? Let us know...

#OldSchoolFriday From @dcfan100 – Original Long Promo for Naruto

This week's Old School Friday promo is for the first long promo for Naruto. To clarify, this promo happened during the TOM 3 years...

The Intruder Part 1 and Promos #Intruder2

So thanks to the internet, we have all the parts and promos for The Intruder Part 1. Some of these can be found on...