A SSSS.GRIDMAN Retrospective
Suppose you’ve been in the Toonami fandom at any level within the past five years. If that’s the case you’ll have heard these suggestions/complaints...
Attack on Titan Final Season: Episode 15 Review
Zeke Jaeger’s backstory was captivating and intriguing as this week’s episode dove into his childhood. Zeke learned how cruel the world could be at...
This Week From Toonami
Editor-in-Chief CJ Maffris alongside Social Media Manager Celia Rose break down all the happenings involving Toonami and Toonami-related content for the week of 4/19/21-4/25/21
Toonami Ratings For April 17th, 2021
Showbuzz Daily
April 17th, 2021
TimeShowRatings12:00amDragon Ball Super332,00012:30amAttack on Titan288,0001:00amFood Wars241,0001:30amThe Promised Neverland199,0002:00amFire Force214,0002:30amBlack Clover182,0003:00amNaruto Shippuden212,0003:30amDemon Slayer156,000
April 18th, 2020 (DBZ Kai Marathon)
TimeShowRatingsA18-4912:00amMy Hero Academia637,000316,00012:30amDemon Slayer509,000278,0001:00amFood Wars451,000285,0001:30amBlack...
Cosmo Samurai and the Importance of TIEs
Toonami fans have recently seen the finale (for now) of Cosmo Samurai, the first non-canonical Total Immersion Event (or TIE for short), a tradition...
Attack on Titan Final Season: Episode 14 Review
The long-awaited conversation between Eren, Mikasa, and Armin happens in this week’s episode. After Eren states that Hange and the others are fine and...
Breaking News: Dr. Stone Returns to Toonami This May!
Fans should be getting excited, as Toonami announced on Facebook that the fan-favorite shounen series Dr. Stone is returning to the block this May....