
Yes I know I’m a little late. The Flash Season 1 debuted in 2014, but I just recently saw the series on Netflix and decided I should write a review. Does the first season of The Flash live up to the hype? Let’s find out in this review.

The Flash Season 1 revolves around Barry Allen (played by Grant Gustin). Barry is a crime scene investigator who is very good at his job. At the age of 11, Barry’s mom was killed by an unknown super villain and his father, who now seats in jail, was blamed for the crime and Barry will not stop until he finds the real murderer of his mom. One day as he’s in his lab, the particle accelerator explodes at Star Labs and causes a lightning bolt to hit Barry. After being in a coma for 9 months, Barry awakens with the power of speed and begins to realize that the man who killed his mother has the same powers as him. Will Barry find who killed his mom? Can Barry figure out how to use his powers? Is Barry the only one with super powers? Find out in Season 1 of The Flash now on Netflix.

Is The Flash Season 1 worth the watch? Absolutely. This show honestly has a lot of positives to it. First is the special effects and CGI used in the show. I was really impressed by how well the CGI of the show flowed throughout each episode. There seemed to be no issues especially in viewing it in HD most of the time and the effects were just wonderful. The way they showed The Flash running throughout the city, for example, was spot on. Each episode had action and their didn’t seem to be a dull moment when it comes to each episode. Lastly, is the story line which to me was very well written. Each episode made you want to binge the whole show in one seating meaning I just could not stop watching.

This show, however, has it’s negatives. One problem with the show is the bad acting that happens. I will say it doesn’t happen in every episode and usually it happens with actors that have a scene or two, but it’s there. It doesn’t take away too much from the show so I only deducted half a point for this. The other problem is how much The Flash relies on the show Arrow. First, yes I know Barry was introduced on that show so it makes sense that their would be some cross over. However, Barry seems to rely on Arrow a few times in Season 1. Not so bad right? I guess, but then there’s an issue. For example: Deathbolt, a villain that only appears once in Season 1, seems to have been introduced in Arrow and in that episode ends up in the particle accelerator prison. Then, you see him that one time in The Flash when he’s being transported with the other metahumans. Because of this, I had to watch Arrow to find out what I was missing. Even then, after getting hooked by the show, it’s not until Season 2 (when Barry is first introduced) that you get to see a little of what his character will be. Then in Season 3 of Arrow, it matches up with Season 1 of The Flash and I get to see the interaction and what I possibly missed. Confused? So was I. To me, it’s just frustrating that I had to watch Arrow to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

In the end, The Flash Season 1 is something you want to see and now that Netflix has it, you can watch it in one seating. Go watch it. You won’t be disappointed. I give The Flash Season 1 an 8.5 out of 10.

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