“You brats better succeed, you hear me? You’re great at tag, so…run away, escape, survive this. And then destroy this awful world we live in.”
– Sister Krone, The Promised Neverland (Ep. 08)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for June 1-2, 2019. It was quite a tense night for Toonami fans to say the least as Mother Isabella takes the steps to prevent the kids and Krone from starting a rebellion against her, Kale and Caulifa duel Goku in their attempt to learn SSJ3, Killua and Alluka get to the hospital to heal Gon, among other great moments.
On Twitter, Toonami would trend in the US alongside Dragon Ball Super, The Promised Neverland, and Hunter x Hunter. In addition, Sword Art Online, Boruto, and Shippuden would trend alongside these shows but couldn’t reach the top 30 outright. Boruto also saw a character trend in Himawari as she helps Inojin get himself out of an “artists block” of sorts. On tumblr, Toonami trended alongside #BNHA. The full list including statistics and tweet counts from the twitter app and Amr Rahmy’s Fan Screening analytics app can be seen below.
This week’s feature was a new anime music video titled “A New Peril” created by Toonami’s newest video editor George. You can check it out below.
Last week, I attended one of my local anime conventions in Anime Conji, and fortunately had the opportunity to have an interview with Laura Stahl, the voice of Ray from The Promised Neverland and Hayato from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure as well as Maureen Price, the voice of Quinella from Sword Art Online and Amane from Hunter x Hunter. I’ll have it published as soon as I can get it finished, hopefully within the next week or so.
Today, we're hanging out at @AnimeConji and we just had wrapped up an interview with @MaureenAPrice and @laura_stahl. Thanks for talking with us, Laura and Maureen, and we'll have that up for you all to see real soon. pic.twitter.com/lElkTVomuj
— Toonami Faithful (@ToonamiNews) May 31, 2019
A few days ago, my colleagues (alongside other news outlets such as Anime News Network and the One Piece Podcast) received a fake press release stating that One Piece would be making its return to Toonami starting with Season 15. We have confirmed with Funimation officials that this Press Release is indeed false, and One Piece won’t be returning to Toonami anytime soon.
And just today, Funimation has announced that they will be simulcasting the upcoming 4th season of My Hero Academia on their Funimation Now service this October. No word yet on the simulcasting plans for Crunchyroll and Hulu as of now, or what Toonami’s plans are for Season 4 as of this time.
└Fall 2019 Anime
└Coming to FunimationNow
└My Hero Academia Season 4#MyHeroAcademia #PLUSULTR4 pic.twitter.com/GuOiA9Ynxl
— My Hero Academia (@MHAOfficial) June 6, 2019
Tune in next week as JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure showcases the finale of Diamond is Unbreakable, among other great moments. And we’re less than 2 weeks away from the return of Lupin for Part 5, so get ready for that. Until next week, stay gold as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
- Toonami/#Toonami [#9]
- #DragonBallSuper [#27]
- #ThePromisedNeverland [#29]
- #SwordArtOnline [Trended with #ThePromisedNeverland]
- #Boruto [Trended with #Toonami]
- Himawari (From Boruto) [Trended with #HunterXHunter]
- #Shippuden [Trended with #Toonami and #HunterXHunter]
- #HunterXHunter [#6]
Tweet Counts:
- #Toonami [6,825 tweets]
- #DragonBallSuper [3,875 tweets]
- #ThePromisedNeverland [3,766 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [1,527 tweets]
- #BlackClover [1,671 tweets]
- #Boruto [3,283 tweets]
- Himawari (From Boruto) [7,122 tweets]
- #HunterXHunter [1823 tweets]
Fan Screening Counts:
- #MyHeroAcademia [#6 with 5003 tweets]
- #DragonBallSuper [#8 with 3343 tweets]
- #AttackOnTitan [#11 with 4247 tweets]
- #ThePromisedNeverland [#7 with 3076 tweets]
- #SwordArtOnline [#16 with 904 tweets]
- #JoJosBizarreAdventure [#12 with 2630 tweets]
- #BlackClover [#17 with 1035 tweets]
- #Boruto [#16 with 2568 tweets]
- #Shippuden [# with tweets]
- #HunterXHunter [#16 with 1185 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
- #Toonami
Notes and Other Statistics:
- #DragonBallSuper: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @ComicBook and @ToeiAnimation started the trend in the US.
- #BlackClover: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @FUNimation started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @myanimewaifu and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
Toonami Tweets of the Night for June 1-2, 2019