Hailing from the city of Gary, Indiana (yes the same Gary as Michael Jackson) comes Geek-E’s nerdcore artist of the month Ambush Vin. Having a love of the comic books and science fiction, Ambush Vin was hooked once he read the first “Secret Wars,” but he is also a big fan of Star Wars as well and listening to some of the music put out by Ambush he lays down flow like a Jedi master and the audience is his padawans listening to that lyrical knowledge. Some of his influences came from his love of listening to Run DMC because as he explained “people were spittin bars without a flow. Everybody had that same flow. Run from Run DMC was the first one to actually have a dope flow, lyrics, and that cockiness that said yeah I’m the man and I know it.”

Ambush at one point went by the stage name of MC Power and early on in his teens, he went down the wrong path and got into a lot of trouble that eventually got him kicked out of his home. There is more to his troubled past, but the main focus of this article is to highlight his music. Eventually Ambush got his act together and started working for US Steel in 1996 which he now works in the capacity of a manager. Through his employment he was able to pay for his own studio time and put tons of projects over the years. He admits that he did not know about Nerdcore rap until last year and he also mentions that his 13 year old son put him on to artist like Front-a-lot. After listening to other nerdcore artists, Ambush was amazed that artist such as YT Cracker, Lars, and Mega Ran was rapping about the nerd life and having success at it.

Since listening to Ambush Vin, I found he has a unique style of his own and he takes elements from the old school hip/hop with a modern flare. He literally makes the music his own and no one elses. Ambush states that he does not make just nerdcore rap because he does not want to be limited to just one sub-genre, but he makes music that fits him and if people choose to call it nerdcore that is just fine with him. He calls his style SciFiMusic which is made by a guy who is half street but all Geek. You can check out some of his songs such as Warp Drive, Go Fat Boi and my personal favorite after hearing it Darth Prefectus featuring Silence on his SoundCloud. You know how we do it here at Geek-E. We give an honest opinion about the artist and I can definitely say that Ambush Vin brings the fire when he spits on the microphone so please do check him out. I look forward to hearing more from this artist and this is why he was chosen as Geek E’s Nerdcore Artist of the Month for November. Be sure to check him out when you get a chance. You won’t be disappointed.

You can follow him on:

Facebook: Facebook.com/scifivin
Twitter: Twitter.com/ambushvin
SoundCloud: SoundCloud.com/AmbushVin
Website: http://www.scifivin.com

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