
Toonami Promo for #KillLaKill

Kill La Kill is coming to Toonami and if you missed the promo from last night, we have it here for you. Please note:...

Toonami Promo – DBZ: The Legend of Broly

Next Saturday night, the movie Dragon Ball Z: The Legend of Broly comes to Toonami and here is the promo for the movie. Let...

Toonami Promo: FMA Sacred Star of Milos

Missed it last night? Well if you did, we got the new promo for the movie FMA: Sacred Star of Milos right here for...

Toonami Promo: Hellsing Ultimate Episode 9

Last night, as we knew would happen, Toonami had a promo for Hellsing Ultimate Episode 9. Did you miss it? No worries. We have...

Toonami Promo: #InuYashaTheFinalAct

Tonight's new goodie is the promo for one of the most requested shows starting next week. Here is the promo for InuYasha The Final...

Toonami Promo for #DBZKai

Tonight's goodie is as we all thought the promo for DBZ Kai. Let us know what you think of this promo by commenting below.

#Bleach Series Finale Toonami Promo and Announcement

It seems Toonami was able to do a farewell promo after all. Here is the series final promo for Bleach. Be sure to tune...