Hunter X Hunter Promo

In case you somehow missed the recent news, the highly requested show Hunter X Hunter will be coming to Toonami in a couple weeks. Check out the 45-second promo that just...

Trailer for DBZ: Cooler’s Revenge on Toonami

Here is the trailer for next week's movie: Cooler's Revenge. In our opinion, its a great trailer so watch it when you get a chance.

Space Dandy/Naruto Shippuden Promo

Here is the new promo from tonight. Thank Caboose Jr for this since Toonami didn't post it.

Toonami Promo: FMA Sacred Star of Milos

Missed it last night? Well if you did, we got the new promo for the movie FMA: Sacred Star of Milos right here for you. Let us know what...

Toonami Promo – DBZ: The Legend of Broly

Next Saturday night, the movie Dragon Ball Z: The Legend of Broly comes to Toonami and here is the promo for the movie. Let us know what you think...

A Look Back at April 1st, 2012: The Day When @adultswim Brought Back Toonami

Two years ago, something happened that all of us as fans of Toonami thought would never happen. The block we all know and love returned as an April Fools...

Toonami teases how Dragon Ball Z Kai will air!

  Since Dragon Ball Z Kai has been confirmed to air on Toonami, there has been endless speculation about what format it will be airing due to the fact that...