Toonami Faithful interviews Marissa Lenti at AX 2019
CJ Maffris speaks with Marissa Lenti, best known as the voice of Cocotte in Dragon Ball Super.
Toonami Faithful Exclusive: Interviews with Jason DeMarco, Kari Wahlgren, Maki Tereshima-Furuta, and Mitsuhisa Ishikawa
During San Diego Comic-Con, @AnimeSavior talks to some of the creators of the new seasons of FLCL, including Jason DeMarco , Kari Wahlgren, Maki Tereshima-Furuta, and Mitsuhisa Ishikawa.
Toonami Faithful interviews Monica Rial at the Dragon Ball Super: Broly premiere
For the second part of our Dragon Ball Super: Broly premiere interview series, @AnimeSavior spoke with Monica Rial, the voice of Bulma, regarding the upcoming film and the Dragon Ball franchise in general.
Toonami Faithful Exclusive Interview with Brian Drummond
For the first interview of 2018, we were able to sit down with Brian Drummond, the original voice of Vegeta. We talked about how he got his start in...
Exclusive: Interview with Jason Demarco and Gill Austin at Anime Expo
We had a bunch of interviews at Anime Expo this year. The one that we really wanted to do was an interview with Jason Demarco and Gill Austin and...
Toonami Faithful interviews Jason Marnocha at Anime Expo 2019
CJ Maffris speaks with Jason Marnocha, the voice of Keicho Nijimura in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, and Coach Gansaku Nanbu in Megalo Box.
Toonami Faithful interviews Deneen Melody at Anime Expo 2019
@AnimeSavior talks with Deneen Melody, the voice of Ronye Arabel in Sword Art Online: Alicization as well as Akemi and Minako Okura in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.