Otakon 20 – Maile Flanagan Interview

Our final one-on-one interview is with the voice of Naruto herself, Maile Flanagan. We discuss her career outside Naruto, and of course talk about the cool little ninja. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/9S-ik36OPPk

We Wanted To Say “Thanks”.

Today on the Official Toonami Tumblr page, you might have notcied a new video that they just put up. Well that was from us. Please visit the Tumblr page, or...

Sentai Panel Recap – Otakon 2013

Sentai Filmworks ran a short and sweet panel to a pretty crowded room at Otakon 2013 this early morning. They had some announcements and some comments about Toonami. New acquisitions...

Sunrise and FUNimation Recap

Sunrise and FUNimation had their panels today and announced acquisitions for Sentai and FUNimation. Sunrise announced that Sentai had acquired (Former/Current Toonami/ shows in bold): -Big O (both seasons) -s-CRY-ed -Sacred Seven -Argento Soma -Betterman -Z-Mind -Zegapain -The...

Toonami Faithful Meetup At Otakon 2013

Hey guys, we know a bunch of you are asking about a get together, and we're making the best of it. Right after the Evangelion 3.0 screening we will...

Otakon 2022 In Review

It’s admittedly difficult to describe an entire convention experience in one article accurately. There are little moments that collectively give us a complete picture of what attending an event...