Space Dandy – New Show By Cowboy Bebop Director Shinichiro Watanabe
Announced today at Otakon is the new show from director Shnichiro Watanabe. Animation will be done by Studio Bones, and the producers of the show are pushing very hard...
Sunrise and FUNimation Recap
Sunrise and FUNimation had their panels today and announced acquisitions for Sentai and FUNimation.
Sunrise announced that Sentai had acquired (Former/Current Toonami/ shows in bold):
-Big O (both seasons)
-Sacred Seven
-Argento Soma
Otakon 20 Interviews – Kyle Hebert
We caught up with Kyle Hebert to chat briefly about his career at Otakon 2013. We're proud to bring you this interview with this voice actor from such shows...
We Wanted To Say “Thanks”.
Today on the Official Toonami Tumblr page, you might have notcied a new video that they just put up. Well that was from us.
Please visit the Tumblr page, or...
Otakon Welcomes Voice Actors from ‘Sailor Moon’ Classic English Dub
Lynda Ballantyne, Katie Griffin, John Stocker to Make First Otakon Appearance
 Baltimore, MD (May 30, 2014) – At Otakon 2014, members can meet the stars of the well-known North American...
Press Release: Otakon Vegas to Welcome Prolific Voice Actor and Director Richard Epcar
Las Vegas, NV (October 11, 2013) – Otakon Vegas welcomes one of the hardest working actor/directors in show business, having voiced over 300 characters in Games, Animation and Anime....
Toonami Faithful Exclusive – Live from Otakon 2014, it’s Wendee Lee!
Jim Nelson sits down with Wendee Lee to discuss Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, and other roles in her vast voice-over career.
Let us know what you thought of the interview by...