To celebrate our 150th podcast episode we are having a live call-in show on Monday May 25th at 10PM ET / 9PM CT / 7PM PT for approximately one hour. You’ll be able to listen live at and call in using Skype.

However, this will be handled differently than the last time. You will have to use a Skype account to call in, it is free to sign-up for Skype. You will not be able to call a phone number to participate like last time. If you would like to call in on Monday night, we recommend that you search for Paul Pescrillo on Skype, ask to be added to his contacts and have your privacy settings allow you to be on a call with people not on your contact list. That way when you call in there should be less possible connection issues.

We hope to talk to as many of you as possible but make sure to bring some energy and be prepared to be recorded live. You can ask about any relevant topic involving Toonami, animation and our podcasts and the hosts. Just keep in mind we have to keep it brief so we can talk to a lot of people in an hour.

Thanks for listening, we couldn’t have reached this milestone without you.