Data from SpoilerTV

July 29th, 2023
(Note: No show actually did well enough to get into the top 400 Originals [for One Piece and Naruto] or the top 200 reruns on SpoilerTV. The only information that was found was via the Toonami reddit user metaldanirl for One Piece and Shippuden via a different system.)

12:00amMy Adventures With SupermanN/A
12:30amDr. StoneN/A
1:30amOne Piece135,000
2:00amNaruto: Shippuden110,000
2:30amMy Hero AcademiaN/A

July 30th, 2022

1:00amLupin The Third159,000
1:30amOne Piece142,000
2:30amNaruto: Shuippuden142,000
3:00amBlade Runner117,000
3:00amMade In Abyss115,000

If you want more data, you can check my spreadsheet here;. That will have further data including per year difference and A18-49 differences.

Let us know what you think in the comments below about the ratings.