All data obtained from @SonOfTheBronx on Twitter:

Programming Insider

March 21st, 2020

11:30pmMy Hero Academia718,000444,000
12:00amSword Art Online552,000375,000
12:30amDemon Slayer552,000375,000
1:00amFood Wars522,000363,000
1:30amBlack Clover482,000338,000
2:00amJojos Bizarre Adventure366,000257,000
2:30amNaruto Shippuden308,000208,000

March 23rd, 2019

11:00pmDragon Ball Super895,000524,000
12:00amMy Hero Academia505,000315,000
12:30amSword Art Online406,000251,000
1:30amJojos Bizarre Adventure357,000221,000
2:00amBlack Clover343,000222,000
2:30amHunter X Hunter315,000201,000
3:00amNaruto: Shippuden335,000206,000
3:30amAttack on Titan255,000156,000

If you want more data, you can check my spreadsheet here;. That will have further data including per year difference and A18-49 differences.

Let us know what you think in the comments below about the ratings.