Since the cat seems to be out of the bag, we’ll finally write this article. Yes, the Toonami Staff is returning to MomoCon with Chad Bonin hosting the panel, and yes, the plan is to record it like last year.

For those that missed it, Toonami held a panel at MomoCon, a convention held every year in Atlanta (where Williams Street is located). They proceeded to take audience questions and announce Evangelion 1.1, One Piece and reveal a new look for TOM 5 and the Absolution. We were asked to cover it and the results of that coverage can be found here:

This year, they’re back and Williams Street and Chad Bonin have asked us to cover it again, which we plan to do. To be completely honest, we’re ready and willing to do it, but at this time we do not have our confirmation for press passes. We’re fairly confident that we will get them soon, but as of right now, we do not have them, so stay tuned for that.

MoMoCon is in Atlanta from May 23-25, 2014

If you can’t make it to the convention please send your questions over to our friend (and frequent guest host) Chad Bonin. Here’s what he has to say about the panel:

Official Announcement From @MomoCon: …



EDIT: We had accidentally put the wrong date for MoMoCon. It has now been fixed.