So Toonami and Adult Swim once again updated Not many changes, but there’s a couple notable things that are new to the site. First, we now have wallpapers. Yup that’s right. For those of you want that want a wallpaper, you can now choose from three different ones. You can see them in the feature image we have up. Also, TOM and SARA are on the site animated in the background (TOM at the top, SARA at the bottomm). Lastly, and this is something that we here at are still in shock about, is under fan sites we are listed. This is a big honor in our view and we can not thank the Toonami crew and Adult Swim for including us on their site. Here’s our staff’s thoughts on this:

“When I found out Toonami was coming back, I decided as a fan I wanted to create a site to help Toonami stay on the air as long as we possibly could. A year and half later and after all the hard work from the staff, I am so honored the site is apart of as a fan site. Thanks again Toonami and Adult Swim.” – Paul Pescrillo, Founder of

“When I saw our site on the Official Toonami site and it was exciting to get recognition.” – Daniel Sherlock, Webmaster of

“It’s a huge honor to be recognized among sites like Toonami Digital Arsenal that have done more for Toonami than we have over a decade. Thank you for the shout out, this small gesture makes a lot of hard work worth it.” – Jose Argumedo, Producer And Host Of The Toonami Faithful Podcast

“Considering how we have worked so closely with the staff at Toonami on certain projects I was elated that they recognized us.” – Darrell Maddox, Contributor On

“Awesome stuff. It shows how far we’ve come in a year and a half, not to mention the trust the Toonami staff has in us.” – Jim Nelson, Voice Director On

” Besides Matt, I am the newest member of the staff since joining the site in early spring of this year. It’s astounding to see just how many fans visit the site and just how far Toonami has gotten since it’s revival in April 2012. To see near the end of the second year of Toonami’s Adult Swim run, that we have become recognized by the official staff is a honor of the highest regards and makes me and the rest of the staff the drive to continue doing what we love: spreading the great word about the late night action cartoon block known as Toonami.” – Dragon Piece, Writer On 

“I truly appreciate the Toonami crew valuing Toonami’s fans enough to make a section on their own page directing their visitors to Toonami fansites. I’m thrilled to see not one but two websites I have contributed to get highlighted. Way to go Toonami Fan and Toonami Faithful, you believed in a future when few others did. Props to everyone who make those websites great.” – Sketch, Editor On and Contributor On

More quotes from the rest of staff are coming soon, what do you think of the new Share your thoughts in the comments below.