Hi folks. So after seeing Jose and Daniel post their favorite moments of this year on the site, I decided to post mine here as well. First, these moments are a combination of not only things that happen on Toonami, but the website itself. I, like Daniel, only have a Top 5 moments for this year since most of the huge things for the site happened in 2012. So here they are:
5. ToonamiFaithful.com – Some of you might be like WTF Paul. Why is your site on your top 5? Simple: It’s exactly the way I envisioned the site to be. As you can see from Daniel’s top 5 we have come a long way from the original BringItBackToonami site. Our site grew rapidly through 2012 into 2013 and as such I decided that we needed a better design and look for the site. Many of the staff agreed and in May we launched the current design of the site you see today. As a result, the site has never been better and several of you use the site almost on a daily basis. Thanks again for coming to our site.
4. Funimation following us on Twitter – During the movement to Expand Toonami, we all of a sudden were followed by FUNimation on Twitter. To me, this was a great moment and because of that, our twitter page blew up as other FUNimation voice actors started following and RTing us. Because of this, we can attribute most of the 7,300 followers to FUNimation and from time to time they help us with campaigns so thanks guys. You are awesome.
3. SARA CAME BACK – Ok, you knew this was going to be on this list. I was one of the biggest voices out their in the community trying to get her back. Hell, I even got #BringBackSARA to trend back in 2012 so you can bet your ass I was overjoyed to see her debut with the new TOM 5 and absolution. It goes to show you that Adult Swim listens and did one of the big things people wanted to see which was SARA coming back so thank you for doing that AS. We love you guys.

2. Momocon and the Toonami Panel – For the record, this was my number 1 for this year until a certain thing changed it. So we originally planned to go to Momocon to record an interview with Steve Blum, the voice of TOM and have the whole staff meet up for the first time face to face. Then came the announcement: The Toonami Crew was going to be apart of the Toonami Panel this year at Momocon. Well, at that point I knew I had to go and do this con. While Jose was setting up stuff with Momocon, I noticed Toonami talking about they were some how going to record the panel, but they weren’t sure how they were going to do it. That’s when I got the idea to contact our now good friend Chad Bonin and said “Hey, we can record the panel.” So after asking Jason, Chad contacted us and it happened: We were the official people now involved in recording the panel. Jose basically wet himself lol. It became one of the most important things that happened to us this year. Not only were we able to record the panel, but we were able to meet the Toonami crew and interview them and Steve Blum. Thanks again to Steve Blum and Toonami for the interview and letting us do that.
But that’s not all folks. I also was able to meet the crew I assembled for ToonamiFaithful.com in person. Great bunch of guys. I am not only honored to call them my friends, but I call them family. They are the ones that help run this site and without there help this site is nothing. So Daniel, Darrell, Jose and Jim: Thank you for all that you do. Look forward to seeing you guys again. Last thing (yes I know this is super long), seeing all the announcements about TOM 5, new absolution, Toonami’s new look and Evangelion 1.11 in person was awesome. It was hard to post all that stuff out on the internet so I apologize about the crappy pics, but I’m really glad we were there to see it. So now I bet your wondering um shouldn’t this be number 1 now. Nope. Something better happened to us. Before I get to that, below is the Toonami Panel and Exclusive interview with Steve and the Toonami crew in case you missed them.
Toonami Panel Video
Interviews with Steve Blum and the Toonami Crew
First, you have heard me go on about this all over the place including the podcast so I don’t want to make this long. All I want to say is thank you to all of you, the fans of our site. You made this possible and I hope you will continue to help us grow make the site better. Also, thank you to Adult Swim for posting us on Toonami.com as a fan site. They really are awesome and hopefully we are not too annoying. You guys are awesome.

Well do what do you guys think? By the way, follow me on tumblr: paulpescrillo.tumblr.com. I will be posting some other things I liked from Toonami this year there too.