On the podcast, we told you we would have a music video contest. Well, here is the post we promised. Here are the rules for the contest:
1) No Pirated Sources – DVD and Blu-ray Only!
2) No subtitles or watermarks in the video (Auto-disqualifier)
3) Graphics are not required but are welcome. Graphics from any era are A-Ok.
4) They do not have to be Toonami shows, HOWEVER, they must have an English Dub. Think of it as a pitch to why you think it should be on Toonami.
5) Sound-bytes from the show are required. Lyrics from the music are not allowed.
6) Your length is a minute and half. You can go a little over but it must be amazing. And even then, you only get :20 seconds extra. Do yourself a favor. Don’t chance it.
7) Make sure to upload it to YouTube and email us your name, a link to your video on YouTube, and what city and state you are from.
8) Have fun! Editing is fun! If you aren’t hitting your computer in frustration or threatening suicide, you aren’t doing it right!
Prizes will be announced on the podcast so make sure you tune in. Entries must be in by Friday, July 5 and sent to contactus@toonamifaithful.com to qualify. Any questions? Feel free to email us.