Toonami Game Review: Shadows Of Mordor

The other promo for Toonami last night was this game review for Shadows of Mordor. Note: On air, this review did cut off and as far as we know...

Toonami Game Review: Valiant Hearts

The new goody tonight from Toonami is a game review and it is for the game Valiant Hearts. Let us know what you think by commenting below.

Toonami Game Review: Watchdogs

In case you missed it, Toonami did a game review. This time Toonami chose to review Watchdogs. Let us know what you guys think and comment below.

Toonami Game Review: Wolfenstein The New Order

Toonami has reviewed another game. This time it is for the game Wolfenstein: The New Order. Comment below and let us know what you think.

Toonami Game Review: Child of Light

Here is new game review from Toonami for Child of Light. Enjoy.

Toonami Game Review: #Titanfall

Here is the new game review from Toonami for Titan Fall. Thanks to Caboose Jr for the album.

A Look Back at April 1st, 2012: The Day When @adultswim Brought Back Toonami

Two years ago, something happened that all of us as fans of Toonami thought would never happen. The block we all know and love returned as an April Fools...