Where Does Sentai Filmworks Go From Here?

A new show is about to join the Toonami lineup, making it an exciting time for fans. It has a "hot stove-type" feeling when Sentai Filmworks gives out a...

Now, Next, Later, Gone

A new year means a whole new Toonami, and already some changes have been made to the action block. It looks like Toonami will open with the same dialogue they...

Analyzing The 3 AM Time Slot

Earlier in 2015, when Toonami shrunk to 3.5 hours total, many thought this spelled bad news for the action block. While Jason DeMarco informed fans not to worry, some...

Intruder 2 Was a Smash Hit

Well done, Toonami! That was everything I could have asked for when watching the Intruder II saga the past seven weeks. There was drama and even a bit of...

Opinion: Toonami’s New Post-Intruder Look

For those of you who didn't see the final Intruder episode (what are you waiting for? Watch it here on YouTube), the Absolution is gone for the time being....

A Welcoming Sight: Samurai Champloo is Coming Back

Is 2016 turning into the year of the Samurai for Toonami? First Samurai Jack was announced to be coming back with new a season, and now a couple of cut-throat warriors...

Opinion: Why I Don’t Miss Movies on Toonami

If I remember correctly when Dec. came up, that usually meant that movies would air on Toonami instead of their usual lineup. For me, I always found that to be a...