Toonami Ratings For January 21th, 2017

All data obtained from @SonOfTheBronx on Twitter: Son Of The Bronx/Programming Insider January 21th, 2017 Time Show Ratings A18-49 11:30am Dragon Ball Super 1,041,000 588,000 12:00am DBZ Kai 925,000 550,000 12:30am Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 760,000 437,000 1:00am Gundam Unicorn 648,000 386,000 1:30am Hunter X Hunter 618,000 369,000 2:00am Naruto: Shippuden 520,000 313,000 2:30am One Piece 450,000 274,000 3:00am One Punch Man 498,000 310,000 January 23rd, 2016  Time Show Ratings A18-49 11:30pm Family Guy 1,861,000 1,003,142 12:00am DBZ Kai 1,461,000 855,000 12:30am Agame...

Toonami Ratings For January 28th, 2017

All data obtained from @SonOfTheBronx on Twitter: Son Of The Bronx/Programming Insider January 28th, 2017 Time Show Ratings A18-49 11:30am Dragon Ball Super 1,158,000 702,000 12:00am DBZ Kai 1,038,000 634,000 12:30am Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 886,000 487,000 1:00am Gundam Unicorn 797,000 457,000 1:30am Hunter X Hunter 779,000 442,000 2:00am Naruto: Shippuden 814,000 453,000 2:25am Moon Duo: Cold Fear 647,000 375,000 2:30am One Piece 627,000 376,000 3:00am One Punch Man 671,000 416,000 January 30th,...

Toonami Interviews Sean Akins

For the 20th Anniversary of Toonami, Adult Swim was able to get an interview with the other creator of Toonami Sean Akins. In case you missed this interview, we...

Toonami Game Review: The Last Guadian

This week, Toonami's goodie is a game review for the game The Last Guadian. Let us know what you think of the review by commenting below. Click here if...

Samurai Jack’s New Season Premieres March 11th at 11:00PM EST Expanding Toonami

Toonami announced via the latest episode of Toonami Pre-Flight, that Samurai Jack will actually be premiering at 11:00PM on March 11th expanding Toonami an extra half hour. It was...