We’re prepping a great podcast for our one year anniversary show and we need your help. Jose wants to make a special audio goodie and this presents a great chance for your voice to be heard on the show! All you have to do is record an MP3 of yourself answering the following questions and send it ONLY to JEArgumedo@ToonamiFaithful.com (Don’t want other staff to see it so it’s a complete surprise). The deadline is Monday, June 24th.

NOTE: This episode will not be released until June 25th to coincide with our one year anniversary.

Please repeat the number and question before answering on the recording so Jose knows which question you are answering.

1) How did you discover the Toonami Faithful Podcast?
2) How does the Toonami Faithful Podcast enhance your Toonami experience?
3) What is your favorite moment from the podcast?
4) What are some of your favorite running gags or topics that span the show?
5) Anything you don’t like about the podcast?
6) What are some of your favorite moments with guests?
7) Do you enjoy the post-segments? If so, why?
8) Is there anything that you miss from the show that you’d like to see return to the podcast?
9) Has the podcast had an overall positive effect on your life?
10) Where would you like to see the podcast go from here?

Thanks for participating, and we hope you enjoy our upcoming episode!