Tomb Raider [Toonami Review]

Is this tomb worth raiding? Check out Toonami's review of the surprisingly controversial video game, Tomb Raider!

Toonami Game Review: Attack on Titan

Toonami doesn't always review games related to anime that plays on the block, but it seems in the case they will make an exception. Here is Toonami's review of...

Toonami Game Review: Valiant Hearts

The new goody tonight from Toonami is a game review and it is for the game Valiant Hearts. Let us know what you think by commenting below.

Toonami Game Review: Jotun

Much like last weekend, Toonami reviewed a video game this week. This time it's for the game Jotun. What do you guys think of the game and have you...

Toonami Game Review: Child of Light

Here is new game review from Toonami for Child of Light. Enjoy.