Second Intruder 2 Promo

A new 30-second promo was shown on Adult Swim yesterday, with some new footage and some badass background music. Some people online are having mixed opinions about the sponsor...

Pardon Our TOMfoolery

Okay okay okay. We had some jokes and it's time to come clean and set the record straight. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is not coming to Toonami in May, they are...

Intruder 2 Episode 1

After the long wait, Intruder 2 is finally here. If you weren't able to catch it on Toonami, we've uploaded the video right here for you to watch for...

Toonami Game Review: Volume

"There hasn't been a really good stealth game for quite a while, but is virtual pilfering at its best." Volume is a newly released indie stealth-based game available for PS4, Vita,...

Two December Marathons Announced – DBZ Kai and One Piece!

As speculated by the Toonami community and recently confirmed on the Tumblr page, two marathons will take place in the last two weeks of December to finish off the year: DBZ Kai Marathon...

DBZ Kai 12/19 Marathon Promo

First the sixth Intruder episode, then the Samurai Champloo announcement, and now a promo for next week's DBZ marathon! Tonight's been an excellent night for Toonami content. Are you excited to...

Attack on Titan Marathon Stream Schedule Update: The Final 9 Episodes Are Streaming Now

Earlier this week we reported that has begun streaming an Attack on Titan marathon on their new Toonami marathon stream which includes Toonami Pre-Flight. The initial marathon was...