Music Submission

Geek E Inc. Productions is all about Nerdy/Geeky music. We mostly post Nerdcore Hip Hop stuff, but we are open to other nerdy music. That’s why we have opened up submission to everyone. Here are a view simple things we need from you when you submit your track/album:

Single Track
1. Please include a link to your Facebook and Twitter page. We want to be able to tag you in on our post and we can’t do that without that info.

2. Include a link to your SoundCloud and or Bandcamp page.

3. If there is a music video, please include a link to that on YouTube/Vimeo.

4. Include any other information including a brief description of the track.

5. Image for the Single (if there is one) or the artist.

Album Review
1. Along with the info above, please send us a free download of your album so we can review it properly.

2. A description of the artist including how he/she got started, what motivated them to get into the business and what made inspired them to create the album. This info will allow us to do a proper review.

3. Image of the Album.

All these services are free. Please send all submissions to Include in the subject line of the email Track Submission for a post about one track or Album Review to review an album. Any other questions, feel free to message us at the same email.