Job Application is looking for fellow members of the community to help us daily with our website and podcast duties. The following jobs are currently available:

Please note: None of these positions are paid.

Brand Manager: We are looking for multiple people to fill this position. You will be responsible for helping to post content daily on our social media sites and helping create engaging content. May also be asked to live tweet on Toonami nights as well.

Webmaster: You will be in charge of everything that goes on with and and be called upon when issues arise with the website. You make also be asked to upgrade the website from time to time.

Writers: We are looking for multiple people for this position. Must have experience in writing articles and like to write about Toonami.

Experience not necessary but appreciated. Please use the form below to apply and select what position(s) you would like to apply for. Also let us know why your applying for the position. You will be asked in the future for examples of you work.

    Your name