The first and only original Toonami anime series IGPX has been confirmed to be coming home. After being written-off apparently someone at Production IG still loves the Toonami crew, and has brought the show to the network.

Produced by Cartoon Network and Production IG, this 26 episode series includes celebrity voice actors (such as Michelle Rodriguez and Haley Joel Osment) and anime regulars (such as Steve Blum and Kirk Thornton), the music of Ninja Tune artists (such as Amon Tobin), and animation from the studio that brought you Ghost in the Shell and the director of Outlaw Star (Mitsuru Hongo) all wrapped up in that golden Toonami goodness.

Also announced is the date that TOM 5 and the Absolution 3 will make their TV debut. They were previously announced at the Toonami panel at MoMoCon along with One Piece. One Piece, to be clear, still does not have a premiere date on Toonami. IGPX will (most likely, not confirmed) remove an episode of Bebop from the line-up and Toonami spoke a little about Megas XLR. The write-off for that show is apparently more complicated.

We will be following this story as it develops. The original post can be found [URL=”http://toonami.tumblr.com/post/46385114366/april-27th-why-should-you-care-about-april-27th”]here.[/URL]

Also, I know I edited that Belong video using IGPX footage literally a couple of days before this announcement so let me be super-clear. I HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. That was just a very happy accident.

Also, 2013 happens to be the 10th anniversary of IGPX.

Great News, Right!? Let us know what you think, because we love it! Anyone else really excited about this? #IGPX. Let get this bad boy to trend!