Have something you want to ask? Have a complaint? Want to advertise or partner with us? Want to submit nerdy music or an article? Please email us at the appropriate email below.
Please read our FAQ’s before emailing us. Your question may be answered there.
Guest Articles:
Have an idea for an article? Pitch it to Toonami Faithful. To submit a guest article, please do the following:
1. Email us at contactus@toonamifaithful.com
2. On the subject line, please write “Guest Article Submission.”
3. Let us know your idea for an article.
4. Send us examples of your work (links, email attachments) and your personal social media accounts.
Please note: You must agree to allow our editor to edit your article if chosen.
Have suggestions for the podcast? Want to send in your opinion? Then email us using the following email:
Email: podcast@toonamifaithful.com
Toonami Faithful is looking for cons to partner with on Toonami related things as well as doing panels and much, much more. If you are a con that is interested in partnering with us, then do the following:
1. Email us at contactus@toonamifaithful.com.
2. On the subject line, please write “Partnership.”
3. Give us your website and your social media accounts.
After we verify your a real con, we will contact you about partnering.
Music Submission:
Do you have a nerdy album you want us to review? Do you want to post your song on our social media? Toonami Faithful is the place for you. We are taking submissions for nerdy music. Songs will be promoted in a post on our site. As for direct posts, there will be a cost related to that. Album reviews and submission is free though so please submit. Here’s how:
1. Email us at music@toonamifaithful.com
2. On the subject line, please write “Music Submission.”
3. For reviews, please include a way for us to hear your whole album. Also, include at least your Twitter and Facebook. We will use this in the post we make and also tag you on social media. Also, please include a link from SoundCloud, Spotify or Bandcamp so we can embed the album on the post we make. If not a review, go to number 4.
4. For songs, please include a link from SoundCloud, Spotify or Bandcamp so we can embed it on the post we make. Also, include once social media platform so we can put that in the post.rolex replica
Do you want advertise your product, event, etc on our website and social media? You’ve come to the right place. We have a strong following on Twitter and on Facebook. We only ask that what you want to promote makes sense. For example: Something sports related may not make sense to advertise with us. Promoting a nerdy music video does. Here’s how to contact us about that:
1. Email us at contactus@toonamifaithful.com
2. On the subject line, use “Advertise.”
3. Please give us a detail description of what you want to advertise. If you have an example of the advertisement, please attach it to the email or put a link in the email.
Any other inquires, please use the contact us email above. We will get back to you as soon as we can.