Early this morning Toonami gave a short notice on their Tumblr would be leaving line-up due to loss of rights. Inuyasha first started airing on [adult swim] in 2002 and has been rerun multiple times. It joined the line-up of Toonami on November 4, 2012 after a brief stint as filler for Daylight Savings Time. It leaves off on episode 127, 40 episodes short of finishing it’s current run on Toonami. It will be replaces on March 8th by Symbionic Titan.

Also revealed this morning was the line-up for March 8th when we lose an hour of Toonami (just for that week due to Daylight Savings). No premieres will be affected by the change, only reruns (FMA:B and GitS will be off the air for one week). This will also not affect Black Lagoon’s premiere.

March 8th Line up will be –

Space Dandy



One Piece

Blue Exorcist

Soul Eater

Uncut Naruto

Samurai Jack




If you’d like to see the rest of Inuyasha after this weekend, you can catch the whole series in it’s entirety on Hulu.

Source: http://toonami.tumblr.com/day/2014/02/25

Previously on Inuyasha: